Elizabeth Heidi Worth
Elizabeth’s project was to create a Kids Park for the children who attended the annual Colombia Trail Tromp for Cancer Research in honor of Bill Harrington, a local community leader. The Kids Park was a place where the parents could drop off their children while they participated in the Tromp. The older children could stop by the Kids Park for a break and then continue on with the Tromp. While the children were at the Kids Park, they would get a chance to learn about healthy lifestyle techniques while having fun. Elizabeth wanted the children to go away with important lessons about being healthy and changes in their lifestyle that would be with them all their lives. The children were split up according to age and did educational activities. Along with the educational activities, there were game stands set up for them to play in between learning. Hurricane Irene altered the plans for the Tromp this year and the event had to be held at later at the Green Market. It was very successful and will long be remembered to the children that attended.