Washington Township Troop #80518
Rosemary Robin Lauezzari
“InVEST in Safety”
Rosie graduated from West Morris Central High School in June 2019 and is studying biology at the University of Kentucky. She is a league reporter and photographer for the West Morris Chainbreakers, a local cycling team that is part of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association. She has reached level C2 in the United States Pony Club and teaches junior members, and is also a member of the United States Equestrian Federation. Rosie is a peer minister at Our Lady of the Mountain Church in Long Valley, New Jersey, helping to run church retreats and service projects. Rosie’s mom, Olivia, has served as the troop’s Cookie Manager each and every year and has been incredibly supportive of the scouts. Rosie’s dad, Robin, helped the troop earn a biking badge and took the girls on one of their more memorable adventures on the Columbia Trail.
Rosie joined scouting thirteen years ago, in 2006, as a Daisy Scout. Through her time in Girl Scouts, Rosie has learned leadership skills that have given her courage, confidence, and built her character. As a Junior Scout, Rosie worked with her troop to earn her Bronze Award by making sandwiches and bringing them to Market Street Mission of Morristown to distribute to those in need. For her Girl Scout Silver Award, she worked with Freedom Horse, a non-profit organization that provides equine-based therapy to veterans and other deserving cases at their riding center in Long Valley, NJ.
Rosie created a service project for her Gold Award entitled InVEST in Safety. She worked with United States Pony Club to create a safer environment for both the horses and the members in her community. She taught her local members how to safely load and unload a horse from a trailer and reinforced the importance of safety vests. In addition, she worked with the Pony Club’s national leaders to create better resources surrounding those two topics.